Lousãtextil receives Manuel Carvalho Award – Industry Lausus Awards 2014

On behalf of the management of Lousãtextil, Lda., I would like to express my great satisfaction in the recognition of this award. We have managed to overcome the difficulties of this crisis with great dedication and, of course, hard work. I must highlight the commitment and flexibility of our employees, who are always available. Hugo Marques

Despite the uninspiring scenario faced by national companies, Lousãtextil managed to be one of the exceptions, with growth rates almost always above the average. “Thank you to all our friends and business partners.”
EFAPEL more competitive

This year we are supporting the Efapel Professional Cycling Team. The photos demonstrate our work. Photos: http://www.fullracing.pt
Lousãtextil receives the SME EXCELLENCE 2016 status

On behalf of the management of Lousãtextil, Lda. I would like to express my pleasure in receiving this distinction and I share this success with my employees. I am grateful for your effort, commitment and dedication. Best regards, Hugo Marques
Lousãtextil Quality Management System Certification by ISO9001:2015

Lousãtextil informs that its Quality Management System is in accordance with the requirements of ISO9001:2015, according to certificate no. PT004417-1 issued by Bureau Veritas Certification. Congratulations to all employees. Best regards, Hugo Marques
PME Líder 2019 – Renovação de Estatuto

We are pleased to inform you that IAPMEI renewed the status of Leading SME for the company Lousãtextil – Indústria de Malhas e Bordados da Lousã, Lda., NIF 502097116, in 2019.
Compromisso Pagamento Pontual 2020

It is with great satisfaction that we announce the adhesion of Lousãtextil, Lda to the 2020 Punctual Payment Commitment.
Plano de Prevenção COVID-19

Lousãtextil cria e produz máscaras para os seus próprios colaboradores

Confecionadas com tecidos certificados e higienizados, estas máscaras são reutilizáveis tornando-se amigas do ambiente. São produzidas em tecido técnico exterior repelente a líquidos e tecido técnico interior antibacteriano, com 3 combinações possíveis de cores: branco/branco, branco/rosa e branco/azul, podendo estas também ser personalizáveis com uma gravação. Caso pretendam para a vossa empresa, devem solicitar orçamento […]
Lousãtextil lança linha de máscaras reutilizáveis para crianças

Confecionadas c/ tecidos certificados e higienizados, estas máscaras reutilizáveis são amigas do ambiente. Esta máscara deverá ser utilizada como complemento. Características: Tecido técnico exterior repelente a líquidos e tecido técnico interior antibacteriano.50% Algodão e 50% Poliéster.Dimensão fechada: 15 cm x 6 cmDimensão aberta: 15 cm x 12 cmAtilhos, cada 30 cmProduzidas em Portugal. Modo de […]